Sunday, March 14, 2010

missionary jack & the end of the cat

Yesterday Jack, Brett, Brian & I braved a very rainy day & drove to the bank.
Jack got out a big wad of cash & we headed to Mr. Mac.
Jack has been saving for this day for a long time.
He wanted to pay with $100's.
He is such a funny guy!
We went to Mr. Mac to load up on all of the stuff Jack needs for his mission.
He has a big list...
and only a couple of weeks until go time.

He was fitted for a new suit.
He only needs one for his mission in Brazil. Brian took two. They were both completely trashed by the time he got home.

He also needed 5 pairs of slacks- washable.

Jack is what we like to call a "lenky, as in lengthy, cowboy" so it's nice to have everything tailored to fit him. For some reason my boys (except trent) have always loved to dress up.

Brian got a new suit too.
To replace the shredded mess of a suit he wore home.
The other suit he threw away in Chile.
Just in case you are wondering if he changed much on the mission-
this photo is proof positive that he's mostly the same ol' brian.

Jack bought 8 white shirts.
7 short sleeved- one long- he has a couple more long sleeves shirts at home.
It's hot in Brazil!
What a handsome fella!
Again- these tailored trousers are going to be nice.

he bought two pair.
Brian bought two pair too...
they were trashed in the first year.
Missionaries walk A LOT.
Jack should average 11 miles a day.
Brian easily did that.
Missionaries usually don't drive much in foreign countries but jack might.
A good pair of shoes is essential. Brian bought a pair for $20 in Chile after his Rockports wore out... they only held together for three weeks. A good lesson in you get what you pay for. When he came home his shoes had cardboard liners in them he had cut out. I wonder if these Ecco Fusions & Florsheim's will last the whole two years for jack?
I don't know what these two are grinning about here... but I like this picture.

The best part-
Picking out the ties!
He bought seven.

Dad & Brian had a lot of advice.
It was good to see them together, talking about their missions & what they liked to wear & not wear. I really worried about have teenage sons when i was a young mom. I've loved it.

It was a pile of fun here on the way out!
Here's the bill
$1134.86-- substantially less than Brian spent.
Jack needs no winter clothes... sweet.
We still have more shopping to do- but suits & pants are being tailored & we are on our way to completing the list! I am really proud of him for paying his way out the door.
Lucky for us, when we got home Marcus & Brittany were here making an authentic Brazilian dinner for Jack.

Jack's birthday is Tuesday- this is an early gift.
Marcus went to the Recife, Brazil mission. Just above where jack is going.
This dish was delish! It's called- feijodoa
It was black beans & meat (pork ribs & sausage) boiled together & served over white rice with onions, tomatoes & lettuce.
Marcus & Brittany are fantastic cooks & so adventurous!
After dinner we headed over to closing night at CATS!

It was so fun to have Marcus & Brittany come along. Trent came too!! and guess what??? HE LOVED IT- amazing. That's how fast paced it is.

Brian, Cory, Zach & Jack

Ya just gotta love this kid & his spiky red hair.
I'm going to miss him terribly...

Brian's best friend Cory is on a mission in Guatemala. This is his little brother. He was Growl Tiger in the show & was FABULOUS!!! THis picture is for Cory. He comes home in July & moves into brian's apartment in the fall.

Hailey rocked the show!!!
She was so good & so brave & ya-- love her too.

Hailey & brothers- this is trent not wanting jack to pick him up...

Jack was ticked off because I suggested I ask one of the stars to take her picture with him... who knows- I mean she'll be in college when he gets home- get it? Hey, I tried, I was just lookin' out for the guy.
No- I didn't do it.
big baby
Hailey & sis- chloe.
We missed you megan!

Hailey & her BBF Tiffany
What a great day
too bad day light savings started this morning
I could barely keep my eyes open through 9:00 church....
IT was worth it!


Kristy said...

Woohoo for Jack paying for his own clothes for his mission! What an awesome example....I making my boys read this post!

Hooray for Cats being over! Hailey did an awesome job.

Enjoy the time you have left before Jack leaves!

She Loves To Make said...

I wish I could've seen cats!
I LOVE the pictures of Jack shopping. It's true, he (and Brian) love to dress up. I'm sure he had a blast! I can't believe he's leaving so soon. I'm so glad I get to see him one last time :(

She Loves To Make said...

I wish I could've seen cats!
I LOVE the pictures of Jack shopping. It's true, he (and Brian) love to dress up. I'm sure he had a blast! I can't believe he's leaving so soon. I'm so glad I get to see him one last time :(

michelle said...

I am so glad you documented the shopping trip! So fun to see Brett, Brian and Jack making the decisions together. And Jack paying for it all! Love that.

The sibling photos are darling, just the kind of things that make a mother's heart sing.

Jill said...

Wow, what a great weekend!

It's fun to see all these pictures of Jack's missionary-shopping experience. It's cool that he likes to dress up. So had he saved enough money for that entire bill?? Landon only has 7 more years and has about $10 saved, I think we're in trouble.

Janae said...

Sorry that should say Brain and their dad there! I really need to work on my grammar skills...clearly!

jakenapril said...

oh my whirlwind! ah, missionary shopping. takes me back to the days when jake used to work at mr. mac. speaking of...wish i would've known about the ties. jake has sooo many that he has been known to sell his 'excess' for dirt cheap. so i guess if jack needs more, let me know! i'd be more than happy to help jake clear out his side of the closet! :) and wow, hailey looks amazing. heard it was an awesome show!

wende said...

phew! what a weekend!

i LOVE that you documented the missionary shopping. there's so much of this experience that you don't get to document, so way to pave the way for ME to do a good job! :)

hailey was FANTASTIC, and i'm with patsy, jack definitely should've posed for that photo! she was incredible!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What a great post. I'm so glad you captured it all.

Congrats to Jack. Congrats to all of you. You are going to miss him.

Marie said...

How exciting!! I love the last picture of Hailey and Tiffany.

Kim Sue said...

what fabulous kiddos you have...I love that Jack has been planning for so long for this.