Thursday, September 6, 2018

summer time indie

nearly 18 months ago....
the most wonderful thing happened in our family

Indie was born!
She is the little red headed grand daughter I have always hoped for.
Truly she is something amazing.

Indie is very petite like her dad was at this age... maybe her mom was too?
She is a bit feisty
She doesn't eat very much and isn't interested in food.
She doesn't want to miss anything by going to bed/sleeping at night.
She is already talking.....

she is her father's daughter!

I honestly wouldn't want it any other way.

I will be talking about this little girl for the rest of my life. 
I completely adore her.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm so glad you've got a granddaughter in the mix with all those grandsons!