Wednesday, June 8, 2011

busy weekend

Last weekend we celebrated Brett's birthday!For Brett's birthday I bought him a guided fishing trip in Park City- one of the best birthday presents I have ever gotten him! I was so thrilled for him to go, he LOVEs fishing & never allows himself time to go- it was for two people so Brian got to go too. They had a fantastic time & now want to go fishing again sooo bad. Unfortunately-- real life has prevented another fishing trip. Again, GREAT Present- he had to go because I spent the money on the trip & it was scheduled. If I just suggested it... I would still be waiting for him to go. With a new job, family & church duties he is just too busy!

Saturday night we had cake & ice cream.
He requested our new favorite coconut cake.

It was an extra special celebration because we had company here.

The Brittany's- Marcus, Johnna & the baby.

Isn't he tiny & so cute? -- Marcus' hand looks giant!

Also- Aimee & Sean were here!! We were so thrilled to have them. It has been a couple of years since they moved back to Washington state & we miss them so much.

They brought their two darling kids & spent the night.

We loved it. It was so nice to visit & see what wonderful parents they are.

aaah- kids around the house again- fun times.

Just before they got here, Brett put up a swing on one of our backyard trees. It was perfect. Lucky for us & them the weather finally turned summer. It hit 80 degrees- crazy considering we had slushy snow on the back deck five days prior.

Now- summer has officially begun. I haven't blogged because I have been running. Running to get things done- everyday... I have so much to do & get done before my new grandson is born! I cannot- CANNOT wait to go out & see him!!


She Loves The Color Pink said...

Dad's bbq looked like so much fun. I haven't tried that coconut cake yet and I really want to make it. It looks so good.
So happy Aimee and Sean were able to come visit.

michelle said...

I'm pretty sure I need to try that coconut cake!

I love the looks on the kids' faces in the photo of Brett with his cake.

What an awesome gift! You totally scored with that one.

I love the way you seem to have a more-the-merrier approach to life. It all looks like so much fun, but I tend to shut down with too much chaos.