Thursday, June 9, 2011

missionary jack

As the mom of a missionary, there is nothing better than hearing from my boy. Well, nothing this is- but pictures.I love how he is all creative with photos. It really cracks me up.
People who don't know Jack tend to think he is reserved & quiet... that is until they get to know him. Then- they find out he is very thoughtful & opinionated & absolutely hilarious.

He continues to surprise me by remembering birthdays, other important dates, events & people.

I mentioned in my last letter that my sweet nephew who has autism had visited.

He replied back that he remembered this diagnosis & since before he left for his mission... he has included him in his prayers everyday. oh golly- who knew?

You continue to amaze me.


michelle said...

Every missionary post here makes me hope and pray that I can experience these kinds of things in just 3 short years, Patsy.

She Loves The Color Pink said...

You perfectly said it. Jack really is so different than from what you would expect. He is very thoughtful. He'll make a great husband someday :)

Jill said...

Jack always seems like such a character to me, he will be a great catch for some girl soon!