Saturday, March 14, 2009

break a leg... just not a finger!

March is a BIG piano month around here.
Much to the delight of Hailey & Chloe
(that was sarcasm)
Every March these two participate in
Utah Music Federation & AIM
(achievement in music).
It's "a big deal" or at least it really feels like it.
In Federation students prepare two different pieces of qualifying music to be critiqued by three judges. AIM on the other hand has written tests, site reading & individual pieces you play in front of a couple of judges.
NO Sweat.... right!?
Well- this morning is it!
The big day for Federation.
AIM is the Saturday after next.
It's kind of like playing in a
tournament... for you sports enthusiasts- except YOU are your own team.Your pieces have to be memorized & your music given to the judge.
(this is what 15 looks like when mom keeps taking pictures)
This means NO pencil marks anywhere &
the measures need to be numbered.
That way if there are any comments the judges can mention specific spots in the music.
Max likes Federation.
And being scratched on the head.

Jack likes sleeping in. Since he only plays rugby- what a wimp!

SO this month our motto is:


or at least that's what I have been saying to the girls over & over & having them repeat it. Sometimes chloe repeats- I don't want to do hard things... silly girl. They say- I don't know how hard it is. I don't understand that it's really tough getting up every Monday morning & being at piano lessons at 6:30 & 7:00 AM. I don't know the pressure!

I just repeat...


and smile.


shannon said...

I wish I would have stuck with the piano--I took lessons for 4 years and all I have to show for it now is playing "THE ROSE" and "THE INDIANS ARE COMING"--(hardly anything in the way of classics!)

I love the motto "I can do hard things"--

Are you seriously serious about your kids taking early morning piano lessons?--EEEE GADS! THAT IS HARD STUFF!

shannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shannon said...

I accidentally hit the post button twice--just in case you were wondering who left the mysteriously deleted message--
Didn't want to keep you in suspense!

patsy said...

Shannon- it really is hard- those early lessons!

They didn't start out early... when they were in elementary they took at 8:00 & 8:30. We learned that it was SO much easier. We never had to worry about other activities or schedules getting in the way. THEN- JR HIGH came along. The girls didn't want to give up their freedom of having their afternoons free- so there you have it. It just happened. Day light savings was killer-

Hailey said...

WE chose early morning piano? WE chose early morning piano?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! ugh. and those are the worst pictures i think i have ever seen of me on this blog. haha. good post though. :D

She Loves To Make said...

I loved this post. I felt like I was at home reading it. I love your motto! I'm sure there are lots of smiles when you remind the kids of it haha.

John and Misty said...

Good for your girls. I remember early-morning lessons. I hated them also, but I'm so glad I can play now. However, I never did federation or anything like that. They have WAY surpassed me! Go girls!

Rachel said...

Oh I remember those days! BEST of luck to both girls. I'm going to make your motto my mantra, too: I can do hard things! Love it.

Karolynn said...

You have some talented and amazing girls! I wished I could hear them play.

Janae said...

Wow...serious dedication:) Good job girls and mom! I hope all went well.

Jill said...

It's such a gift to your girls to have them in piano all these years. I sometimes feel struck with panic that my kids haven't had this opportunity.

michelle said...

It's cute when your kids comment on your blog! That is some seriously early piano time. Whenever I tell my kids they can do hard things, they just whine... good motto, though. It inspires me anyway.

What a beautiful piano you have!